Patch Jqgrid for dll

Some Background :

"The IL Disassembler is a companion tool to the IL Assembler (Ilasm.exe). Ildasm.exe takes a portable executable (PE) file that contains intermediate language (IL) code and creates a text file suitable as input to Ilasm.exe.
This tool is automatically installed with Visual Studio. To run the tool, use the Developer Command Prompt (or the Visual Studio Command Prompt in Windows 7). For more information, see Command Prompts."

Step 1 :

On Dos prompt:

 ILdasm /all /out:trirand.IL Trirand.Web.dll

Step 2  :

trirand.IL is a text file that can be edited using a text editor. We can make the changes in the file to avoid the limitation of number of days past the compilation time. 

To do that we search for the string :

"This is a trial version of jqSuite for ASP.NET which has expired." or a part of it.

Then change the number of days after compilation that activates the restriction.

Step 3  :

We must create a Public-Private Key Pair

 On Dos prompt:
  sn -k keypair.snk

Finally Step 4  :

On Dos prompt:

c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ilasm.exe /32bitpreferred /dll /key:keypair.snk /output:Trirand.Web.dll /resource:Trirand.res

The file Trirand.Web.dll thus generated has no restriction on it .


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